Cloud Spend Optimization Whitepaper

Realize the Financial Value of Cloud and Save more on your Cloud Costs

Discover the strategies to optimize your cloud costs and minimize waste!

Are you struggling with high cloud costs, over-provisioned resources, and wasted spend? Look no further than our Cloud Spend Optimization Whitepaper. This comprehensive report outlines the best practices and strategies for optimizing your cloud costs and reducing waste.

Download our Cloud Spend Optimization Whitepaper now and learn how to save more on your cloud costs!


As companies move to the cloud, cost optimization becomes increasingly important. However, with the dynamic and decentralized nature of cloud use, waste can easily occur. That's why we've created this whitepaper to help you better understand the key areas for optimization and provide you with strategies to prevent, identify, and eliminate waste.

Key Areas for Cloud Optimization

The whitepaper covers key areas for automation such as instances, storage, and discounts. We explain how automation can help identify, fix, and prevent waste in these areas. For instances, we cover alerts on idle or underutilized instances, instances without schedules, and instances without expiration dates. For storage, we explain how to alert on or delete unattached volumes and old snapshots, and how to identify over-provisioned storage class. Finally, we provide strategies to optimize discounts such as alerting on underutilized discounts and expiring discounts.

Waste Prevention

As companies mature in cloud adoption, it's important to develop processes and guardrails to prevent waste at the time that resources are provisioned or address it immediately after provisioning. We cover several strategies that can be used to place controls in self-service provisioning catalogs that help with cloud cost optimization. These include controlling the options for clouds, regions, services, and VM/instance families that can be selected, automatically selecting the best instance sizes, and automatically selecting the lowest-cost cloud option at launch time.

AiRo Cloud Cost Optimization

Collaboration and automation are the keys to ongoing automation. They require central cloud teams, business units, resource owners, and finance teams to work together to prevent, identify, and eliminate waste. Our solution for cloud cost management and optimization, AiRo Cloud Optimization, can help with cloud cost aggregation, allocation, reporting, forecasting, and optimization. 

Users can get recommendations for savings and collaborate to take action. And cloud teams can implement automation to prevent waste before it happens, alert on it once it occurs, and take action according to the rules and processes you define. With AiRo Cloud Cost Optimization, you can optimize your cloud spend and minimize waste.